Category: Technology

  • Yealink IP Phone Factory Reset Howto

    Yealink IP Phone Factory Reset Howto

    Last updated on June 20th, 2023 at 05:16 pm If you know the admin password for your Yealink IP phone go to Menu > Settings > Advanced Settings > Reset If you’ve forgotten or never received your admin password? Press and hold the OK button it could take 6-30 seconds depending on the model. My…

  • Google Workspace We detected an unusual sign-in attempt

    Google Workspace We detected an unusual sign-in attempt

    There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to manage a former employee’s email and after changing their password in Google Workplace Admin receiving the dreaded message of protection. Otherwise known as the ‘Login Challenge’. We detected an unusual sign-in attempt. To make sure that someone else isn’t trying to access your account, your organization needs you…

  • My Online BBS History

    My Online BBS History

    I was curious about my early online history. The sort of stuff that predates “the Internet knows everything” and ages before “Google knows everything. There was once even a time when “it’s probably on Alta Vista” and “hopefully Yahoo can help” were common statements. I ran NetRunners, a dialup BBS (Bulletin Board System) that was…

  • iCalendar of NSW Public Holidays

    As a Producer, Line Producer and Production Manager in the film & TV industry I need to know about upcoming public holidays when pre-pre-pre-production planning. You’d be surprised how often a public holiday ruins a budget. Anyway, I have a mix of databases, spreadsheets, text files and industry specific software that helps me do my…

  • iCalendar of Easter Sunday

    iCalendar of Easter Sunday

    I looked around for an iCalendar listing of Easter dates for a project I was hacking together. I couldn’t find one so I threw it together. In my typical overkill I went all the way out to the year 2299. It’s available on GitHub and also I’ll host and update two calendars covering: Good Friday, Holy…

  • What’s a DVD?

    What’s a DVD?

    Reddit user Zy14rk gave the perfect answer to the question “What’s a DVD?” Comment byu/sabrecheeky from discussion inUbuntu I’m preparing to rip my DVD collection.

  • An Idea to Stop Vehicle Terrorism

    An Idea to Stop Vehicle Terrorism

    Last updated on December 31st, 2017 at 06:32 pm As I write this, news is coming in of another runaway vehicle mowing down pedestrians on a busy street. This time in Melbourne. No details yet other than the police have arrested the driver. If this is an act of terrorism or a tragic accident, there…

  • Apple Touch Icon Cheat Sheet

    Apple Touch Icon Cheat Sheet

    Last updated on June 9th, 2018 at 11:28 am Continuing from yesterday’s post on apple-touch-icon sizes, the best cheat sheet for icon sizes and all other design things is iOS design guidelines by Ivo Mynttinen.

  • Apple Touch Icon Sizes Updated for iOS 11

    Apple Touch Icon Sizes Updated for iOS 11

    Last updated on May 27th, 2018 at 12:26 am Stack Overflow user felipep posted an answer to the question “What size should apple-touch-icon.png be for iPad and iPhone 4?” His brilliant work is that he updates with all the suggested icon sizes for iOS10, including iPad Pro and every new iPhone and iPad as it…