Last updated on July 4th, 2015 at 07:21 pm
- I know a lot of organised secularists, humanists, sceptics & rationalists @craigthomler wanna organise a campaign? #
- Gillard's Labor govt won't be any different with Swan as #2 Policy wasteland remains #spill #
- No fair @lindyasimus you made me spit-take my morning coffee. Early marks as Gillard's competitive advantage #
- Barry Cassidy on @ABC TV looks like he's been up all night. Oh right he has. #
- RT @SimonHampel: it's all a ranga conspiracy I tell you! #reddawn #spill #ruddroll #
- +1 RT @lachlanhardy: Please tell me there will be a reshuffle w Conroy a backbencher & someone sensible (Lundy?) in charge of Comms #
- @craigthomler as long as Conroy is moved I don't care in reply to craigthomler #
- RT @steven_noble: Just remembered Gillard's claim there was more chance of her playing at full-forward for Western Bulldogs than becoming PM #
- @deptofinternets but Conroy has refused to consult on it. A bit like RSPT. We must keep fighting it in reply to deptofinternets #
- @Entregreeneur Sorry mate but Bob Brown turns me off Greens. What do they stand for? The opposite of what the others do in reply to Entregreeneur #
- @deptofinternets umm do you support the technically naive internet filter? If you don't then fighting it makes sense. in reply to deptofinternets #
- It means I get to explain to my kids we aren't yanks @SimonHampel, we elect MP's then they elect PM #
- @jjprojects why on earth does that site have css (or a doctype for that matter). Kai Internet standards even important for jokes in reply to jjprojects #
- @kimheras I think you meant FTW! 😉 in reply to kimheras #
- @SimonHampel Actually I like the separation of Executive and Legislative branches of govt. I wish we did it in reply to SimonHampel #
- Now with xtra LOLs RT @pixel8ted: LOL RT @helenperris: Ranga pride! #
- RT @SimonHampel: In NSW we have females as: Monarch, Prime Minister, Governor General, State Premier & State Governor (via @maverickwoman) #
- RT @PhoebeNetto: RT @paulwiggins: RT @PM_JuliaGillard: Going to call Barrack Obama. Tell him how I handled a spill in less than 24 hours #
- @SimonHampel 2yo or 3yo actually. Country's going to the immigrants. Nice accent though Jules in reply to SimonHampel #
- @SimonHampel ahh I was going on info on @ABCTV_australia live coverage, but I may have been wrong in reply to SimonHampel #
- @SimonHampel have you updated ur various twitter feeds to oauth? Basic auth is off next wk & I gotta do that still #
- Listen to your wife Kev #
- @craigthomler He's just gone to deliver on that "Never know what will happen" threat? in reply to craigthomler #
- Meanwhile the voters of Griffith wonder if he wants fries with that (and if the burgers come with beetroot) #
- @SimonHampel we've got till 30/6 in reply to SimonHampel #
- @SimonHampel I'll let you know how I work out. I'm looking at using in reply to SimonHampel #
- RT @leighsales My first question 4 PM post-spill: 'Why did you organise this for nights I wasn't hosting Lateline?' #spill #it 'sallaboutme #
- While I celebrate Oz 1st female PM, must she be a poster child of the left installed by broken NSW right? #
- @SimonHampel in a pinch will proxy it for now in reply to SimonHampel #
- @AlexBlom dunno, but why did you pick Zen over other OSC based or even Worpress cart? curious in reply to AlexBlom #
- Yeah Govt ads #fail mining ads winning RT @jjprojects: Gillard calls for a cease fire on the mining ads, from both sides #spill #
- @craigthomler I thought KRudd did too, but lacked cajones to make it work in reply to craigthomler #
- @pierre $44 per hour for teachers is not enough. They have our future in their classrooms in reply to pierre #
- @katclancy Them's fighting words. Hmm MJ, Scottie, + the rest would school them in reply to katclancy #
- @katclancy you need to stand in fertilizer every night for 30mins in reply to katclancy #
- @katclancy Ice hockey or field? I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out in reply to katclancy #
- @katclancy ha me too! But I played on lumpy goat tracks while dreaming of playing on a watered flat field in reply to katclancy #
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