I’m really enjoying the poetry of Mary Karr a contributor to the New Yorker. From her short bio:
Mary Karr teaches at Syracuse University and lives in Manhattan. Her New York Times best-seller, “The Art of Memoir,” will appear in paperback this fall.
I first read The Crotchgrabber her article “On a shockingly casual case of sexual assault”. It is shocking and a bit disturbing, bit is m is clever and full of insight. Read it.
Looking at her other contributions I discovered a wealth of poetry published by the New Yorker.
Serendipitously over the last month I wanted to find contemporary, literary poetry.
Illiterate Progenitor grabbed me instantly. I want to savour her work slowly so I made this note to return to her writing.
I spent a bit of time looking for a photo of Mary to use with this piece. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a Creative Commons or otherwise “free” photo to use. Authors (or their Publicists Publishers) should provide marketing collateral like author photos for exactly this use.
Update: I found HarperCollins OpenBook API which gave me the photo credit.
Technically I’m lifting the photo from Mary Karr’s twitter profile, as the original photo via the API is too small. Also the photo is cropped so it’s a derivative work of Deborah Feingold’s original portrait. While my use of the image is covered by “fair use” provisions, but it would be nice to have the licensing simplified.