Go see Juno


Last updated on July 4th, 2015 at 11:45 am

Juno one sheetWe saw a preview of Juno tonight. It opens in Australia on 17 January 2008. Go see it, it?s the best film of the year. It?s as good as Little Miss Sunshine, American Beauty, Election, The Breakfast Club – I can go on.

It captures a voice of youth and the way you felt if you were ever a freaky little teenager. Juno reflects that youth is for the young but dealing with issues beyond our maturity is a life-long lesson.

Juno is a sixteen year old high school junior who falls pregnant after a one night fling with her best friend Bleek. She finds adoptive parents for the baby and the story develops around this smart-alec, punk, clever, cute, insightful mother-to-be as she deals with: her feelings for Bleek, her other best friend Leah, her parents, the adoptive parents, pregnancy and school. Any more and I?d have to give spoilers.

I love this film. We?ll be watching it again with our 14 year old daughter, although she won?t think I?m cool enough and the teen pregnancy will freak her out.

See it then let me know what you think.

One response to “Go see Juno”

  1. I may be taking my main woman (Wife) out to the movies, so I may take your advice on this. We did score pretty compatibly well on flixter (Were Soulmates actually)?
    Speak soon? j

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